A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father passed away in 1297 A.H. The treatise is characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally and externally. He wrote more than 50 books, among them, "Suroorul Quloob fi Zikri Mouloodul Mahboob", which received a very high distinctive position amongst Islamic literature. HIS FATHER: A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father, Hadrat Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), received his education at the hands of his father, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu). We have included a very brief history of A'la Hadrat's (radi Allahu anhu) father and grandfather.

It was from this generation that the heads of the family began to adopt Tassawuf as their way of life. His son, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), the illustrious grandfather of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu), did not serve in the Government. His son, Allamah Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan (radi Allahu anhu), after gaining victory in the city of Ruhailah, was elected as the Governor of that city.Īllamah Mawlana Hafiz Kaazim Ali Khan, the son of Mawlana Mohammed Azam Khan (radi Allahu anhum), was a Tax-collector in the city of Badayun. Allamah Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan, the first forefather of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhum), held a high government post when he arrived in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. The great forefathers of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) migrated from Qandhar (Kabul) during the Mogul rule and settled in Lahore. Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al-Qaderi, was the son of Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan, who was son of Allamah Mawlana Mohammed Kaazim Ali Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Shah Mohammed Azam Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Sa'adat Yaar Khan, who was the son of Allamah Mawlana Sa'eedullah Khan (radi Allahu anhum ajma'in). The Grand Mufti of Makkatul Mukarramah, Sheikh Hussain bin Saleh Makki (radi Allahu anhu), also gave him the title of "Zia'udeen Ahmed." Much later in his life, A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) added the title "Abdul Mustafa" to his name signifying his great love and respect for Sayyiduna Rasulullah (salal laahu alaihi wasallam). The name that was given to him at birth was the beautiful name of "Mohammed." The name corresponding to that year of his birth was "Al Mukhtaar." His grandfather, a great Scholar of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), also gave the young child the beautiful name of "Ahmed Raza." It was by this name that he was famously known. "These are they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed faith and helped them with a spirit from Himself." (58:2) The date of birth of A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) was extracted by himself from the Holy Quran. This was the good news that was given to Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu) concerning the birth of none other than the "emerald from amongst the Treasures of Almighty Allah", the "sweet-scented rose from the fragrant garden of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)", Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). His name will gain prominence from East to West." He immediately disclosed this dream to his father, Allamah Mawlana Raza Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), who interpreted this dream by saying: "This is a sign that you are going to be the father of a child, a boy, who will grow up to be pious and knowledgable. (14th June 1856), at the time of Zohar Salaah in a place called Jasoli, which is in the city of Bareilly Shareef, India.Ī few days before the birth of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), his father, Allamah Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (radi Allahu anhu), had a wonderful dream. Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was born on a Monday, the 10th of Shawaal 1272 A.H. Imam Ahmed Raza's Blessed Birth His Blessed Name Illustrious Family History Imam Ahmed Raza's Piety as a Child Imam Ahmed Raza's First Lecture His Intelligence as a Child Astonishing Events of Childhood